The project "BROTURES CREATORS VOICE" was launched to spread awareness of Japanese manufacturers involved in the fixed-gear bike world.

For the second installment, an interview with Mr. Kenichiro Aiba, the representative of the track bike-specific tool brand "RUNWELL" from Tsubame-Sanjo, Niigata Prefecture, was conducted. In the metalworking town of Tsubame-Sanjo, how are RUNWELL tools made?
We will deliver Mr. Aiba's attitude towards manufacturing and his feelings towards fixed-gear bikes.

Director / Cinematographer / Editor / Colorist:
Kouta Ogawa ( bird and insect )

Cinematographer :Kyo Kuboyama

Music:Go Hiyama ( ECHOES BREATH )


From here, I would like to talk about aspects of manufacturing and the relationship with BROTURES that were not discussed in the interview video, based on the content of the interview with Fujimoto from BROTURES OSAKA.


The Metalworking Town of Tsubame-Sanjo

Tsubame-Sanjo, Niigata Prefecture, has been engaged in hardware and metalworking since the Edo period.
It is the capital of Japan's processing technology, with headquarters, factories, and craftsmen of globally active brands such as outdoor gear company SNOWPEAK and stainless steel tumbler brand THERMOS.
In this area, RUNWELL was established by a long-established tool manufacturer specializing in bicycle tools.
The brand's appeal lies not only in its precision machining but also in its flexible manufacturing approach that considers the user's perspective.

Approach to Manufacturing

As the name "Run Well" suggests, many of their products are created from a mechanic's perspective.
Instead of solely relying on his own ideas, Mr. Aiba visits cycle shops and race venues across the country to incorporate feedback from mechanics on-site, resulting in products that better suit their needs.

This approach is unique in the industry, as there are not many tool manufacturers who do this.
Of course, not all requests are accommodated, but the essence of RUNWELL's craftsmanship is always expressed.

Mr. Aiba's approach to design feels unique to me.
"Valuing how it conveys sensibility" is what he emphasizes.
This is precisely the essence of RUNWELL's tools.
Even a simple wrench is not in an ordinary shape it's designed to provide a comfortable grip when held.

As a result, it has earned praise from top mechanics worldwide and has likely gained popularity among many.

In the realm of tools, many other manufacturers focus on creating products that are "simply easy to use," and there are often predetermined shapes and designs for tools.
Mr. Aiba once said, "If we were to create something like that, it wouldn't be RUNWELL, and it wouldn't be interesting."

In the interview, Mr. Aiba also mentioned that in creating tools, he incorporates "stories behind the design, cutting-edge technology, and cultural elements."
Some products are even inspired by samurai armor.
Each product is filled with stories just waiting to be heard.
Rather than simply imitating existing tools, they brainstorm ideas from seemingly unrelated sources and incorporate them into the design of their tools.

"You're already a designer, Aiba-san." I thought.



Collaboration with BROTURES

Inside the RUNWELL gallery, there is a lineup of products that have been created over the years, with some tools created in collaboration with BROTURES.
Looking back, I believe our relationship has been going on for over five years, as mentioned earlier, due to visits to various places and also to BROTURES OSAKA.

The first collaboration we had was with the 15mm wrench. They made every effort to accommodate our requests, paying attention to details such as size and color adjustments.
I recently heard that they had a hard time creating the "black" that BROTURES sought.
We are truly grateful for their understanding and reproduction of our particular preferences.

Subsequently, we also collaborated on anniversary items for the Osaka store.



A fixed Gear Bikes can become nothing.

Mr. Aiba, perhaps due to his artisanal demeanor, exudes a unique atmosphere that is somewhat unreadable even during conversations.
Such a person says that they can become "nothing" when facing a bicycle.
I can really empathize with this feeling for me, it's when I'm building wheels.
I recall feeling extremely relaxed.

That's why, even though it might be presumptuous to say, whenever Mr. Aiba and I talk at the gallery or share a drink, it's always about bicycles.

It's always about materials or the history of objects—things that are endlessly fascinating to listen to. It's also incredibly enjoyable.

"Quality and accuracy are a given"

These words.
For those in this industry, especially artisans, it may indeed be true.
But to hear it said outright is incredibly cool and gratifying for someone who uses their products.

RUNWELL doesn't just make things that can be used for any bicycle they specifically create tools for fixed-gear bikes and track bikes.
Just as BROTURES specializes in fixed-gear bikes, RUNWELL is also a specialized tool manufacturer, sharp and focused.

That's why, if you're riding a fixed-gear bike, I want you to know about them, and I want you to have at least one of their tools.



Kenichiro Aiba Born in Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture. Graduated from Pratt Institute. Representative director of Aiba Sangyo Co., Ltd. and Mitsuwa Metal Co., Ltd. In 2005, the previous president passed away and he assumed the current position. Established Runwell in November 2011. In 20XX, a pop-up and cycling trip took place at business partners across the country. In 20XX, we opened a shop in the Metaverse where we could communicate with users from all over the world.

