Santa Monica was reversed.

Hello, this is Toriyama. DOSNOVENTA's New Rook has already been used to it. At the same time, many people may miss the previous design. There is no help for something that is not. The times only go forward. However, today's blog wants to focus a little ahead. The body that a certain customer ordered was assembled, so please introduce it. The model is Santa Monica of Dosnoventa's horizontal frame "LOS Angeles". But today's frame is a little different from the normal design. Reverse color design. Yes, the color is reversed to the design. Originally, the base is black and the logo is a gradation reminiscent of the Santa Monica landscape. But this is black and the whole frame is a gradation. The impression changes as much as a different thing. It's faster to see. Finished like this.
You're pretty good. The front is affordable, but the rear is set with a personality. The HED Belgium will be officially terminated, and it will be more and more rare.
Assemble is the undercarriage of OMNIUM and EURO ASIA, which has a strong reputation. OMNIUM is no longer available at the end of production, but it is still a stable reliability that you still want. Many people think they are regrettable.
I use EURO ASIA's Gold Medal, but it doesn't sound seriously. It can be said to be an silent pioneer. The base is a steel and a two -step configuration of chrome processing and titanium processing on the surface. Because it has a reliable strength and system, it is not inferior to trendy Digirit and NovaCorona.
Handles, stems, and seat posts are unified with Thomson. Thomson's carbon rizer is a carbon, but it is affordable with ¥ 20,000+tax. The stem and seat post are also ¥ 11,000+tax, so even if you customize them together, the cost is not bulky. It is a recommended custom because the looks can be changed significantly.
The riser bar is a group that makes me bar tape. Fabric's HEX DUO bar tape is rubber material and has a soft grip. The price is ¥ 3,500+tax, so it is a bar tape that is often selected because it is low cost. It may be good to have a stock while you can buy it because the production will be gone.
This caliper is also popular, SHIMANO's 105 series. A design that can be relieved by the JAPAN brand, but you can get it for 10,000 yen under under. It is one of the products that regularly lose the manufacturer's stock. Now there are 1 black and silver at the store, so if you want it, be sure to go to the store.
How was it. I think it has a good finish. Probably only one in Osaka, so if you see it, it is almost certain of this one. Please come to the store again! Stem: Thomson Elite X4 STEM ¥ 11,000+Tax Handle: Thomson Carbon Rizer Bar ¥ 20,000+Tax Seat post: Thomson Elite SeatPost ¥ 11,000+Tax Cog: EURO ASIA GOLD Medal Track COG ¥ 24,700+Tax Brake: SHIMANO 105 BRAKE SET ¥ 9,074+Tax
There is actually another limited model in the Osaka store. It is the same LA, but this is a bare base. The gradation like the night view of Griffith enters there is super beautiful.
DOSNOVENTA LOS Angeles Frame Set ¥ 149,000+Tax There is only one L size. If you are interested, please contact us. Ren BROTURES OSAKA 1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka 06-4391-3313
1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi Ward, Osaka City MAP
12:00-19:00 (no regular holidays)