Dosnoventa to get now

Hello, this is Toriyama. Is there an old model of DOSNOVENTA? The question is still full now. I want it when everyone disappears. I really understand that feeling. That's why we always say that we should buy it while there is。 Today, I would like to summarize the stock information for you who are lost. There is almost no more, but if the size is right, I'm lucky. Now, let's check! First from Los Angeles. Obesrvatory Griffith Fram Set ¥ 149,000+Tax LSIZE
OBESRVATORY GRIFFITH "Clear" Fram Set ¥ 149,000+Tax LSIZE
Elysian Park Fram Set ¥ 149,000+Tax LSIZE
Next is the stock size of Detroit. Rari Red Frame Set ¥ 169,000+Tax LSIZE
Club Pink Frame Set 159,000+Tax LSIZE
Barcelona is also available. Ice Cold Silver Frame Set ¥ 200,000+Tax Msize
This is a rare rare frame. Seoul Frame Set ¥ 250,000+Tax 50cm
And finally, it will be NEO Tokyo. NEO TOKYO Frame Set ¥ 380,000+Tax 52cm, 54cm
Actually, there are various models for large sizes. The height is about 175cm for L size, and if it is M, you can ride it from 170cm or 160 in the latter half of 160. It is a frame of Barcelona's M size. The old design dosnoventa that only disappears from now on. I think it's better to get it in some way. By the way, Barcelona sold while writing this blog. smile Because it will disappear with such a feeling. 。 。 Ren BROTURES OSAKA 1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka 06-4391-3313
1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi Ward, Osaka City MAP
12:00-19:00 (no regular holidays)