5/14 (Sat) Group Ride @ Power Spot

Today is a glue pride over the power spot that was canceled due to the last rain. The weather is good and the temperature is quite good for bombing with a fixie bike at night. This glue pride is a plan to go to a power spot, take a whole photo in front of the shrine and get Power. Let's make memories together without an accident !!! https://scontent.cdninstagram.com//t50.2886-16//13146746_1599702623681414_2019721551_n.mp4 * Please come for maintenance by around 19:30. Group Ride Date: 5/14 (Sat) Meeting time: 20:30 Meeting place: Brotures Osaka Destination: Power Spot Anyone can participate freely. (Even those who have not purchased a fixie bike at BROTURES) Feel free to wait !!! U-KI.
1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi Ward, Osaka City MAP
12:00-19:00 (no regular holidays)