Let's play with Leader® 725TR-Part 2-

Nations League and friendly matches around the world.

The games of each country where fierce start -up struggles are being held is worth seeing alongside the World Cup.

Among them, the Spanish representative Gabi is particularly expected to be the Wonder Boy of the Qatar Games.

There are techniques, physical, soccer brain, and the strongest movement of off -the -ball.

In the Betis era before joining the Barça Cantella, he seems to have scored 96 goals per season ...

Along with Valverde of Uruguay, El Bran, this World Cup is expected.

Well, the story was deviated, but ...

Following the Californian leader "SEA FOAM GREEN" introduced the other day, we introduce authentic white today.

This color select is "black", "white" and "burgundy"

Super prejudice personal"Up to 3 colors"It was built according to.

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Leader® 725TRLuxuriously, this time, it is a freshly arrived squirt.Shred88Set up back and forth.

This will achieve lighter weight at once. From the mid -8kg of the normal completed car, enter the dream 7kg at a stretch.

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As I often talk about at stores, in the case of bicycles, the engine is myself.

People who get tired are as bad as American cars, and those who can run forever have less meters like Prius.

However, the fuel economy can be greatly changed by the specifications of the machine. That would be the benefit of "lighter weight".

First of all, burgundy of the color.

OURY V2 GripandYnot Standard StrapThe color is similar and goes well with it.

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The white and black monotone is of course cool. BROTURES has been sued for a long time.

However, like the previous blog, it is one of the very important customs, rather than playing color.

Personally, he is a type of person who focuses on the beauty of the beauty rather than the functional beauty.

Actually, I also match the burgundy color in such a place.

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Aside from the performance of the tires, I think that this kind of casual care is the real pleasure of custom.

This tire is not good, but it's very easy to do. Lol If you are practicing, please come.

Like the 735 and 721TR, this 725TR has become quite thin.

The first model of Leader®︎ is good. I want Leader®︎, which is neither thin nor thick, and has little habit.

Such a person is this one. We look forward to your consultation.

Finally, in front of Kota's former workplace. smile




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