Having a road bike and a piste bike.

It is my selfish impression, but I think that the fun and freshness of the fixie bike are easier to feel as people on road bikes.

That's probably because somewhere in my head, the knowledge that "bicycles are like this" are systematized to some extent.

Road bikes and piste bikes are similar bicycles.

There are small differences, but I think the biggest part is gear.

The road can be about 20 to 30 gear shifts depending on the multi -stage gear before and after, while there is only one fix.

Fixed gear, one of the major features of the fixie bike, is a gear that most people have been riding.

Even those who have only been riding in Mamachari, those who have been riding on bicycles such as roads, mountain, BMX, etc. will be able to enjoy the same excitement.

However, I think that the more you are familiar with bicycles other than the fix, the greater the impact.

The fixed gear is driven by the pedal and the rear wheels. It feels like a unicycle.

It seems that you can understand this with your head, and there are not many people who can actually ride suddenly.

However, I think that riding this strange single gear will greatly lead to deepening understanding of bicycles.

People who are good at riding a bicycle are also good at fixes.

Conversely, those who are good at fixes are good at riding a bicycle.

Direct feeling of pedaling with fixed gear, sense of weight transfer, and specifications for each part.

I think that a primitive structural single gear is more likely to be "bicycle".

Lord, Cross, Mountain, City, BMX, Fat, Minibello ... etc.

There are many types of categorizing the bicycle easily.

Among them, the piste bike is a genre that is treated as a kiwamono and a mania.

But recently, the impression of the fixie bike has gradually changed.

From the dangerous image of the no -brake pist a year ago to a motorcycle that is more close to everyday life.

The fashionable and easy -to -use looks is a powerful bicycle under the edge that does not care even in plain clothes.

There are few breakdowns and maintenance, so it is easy to maintain.

More and more people are separated from daily commuting, commuting, and on weekends.

Wouldn't it be the best if you could enjoy either goodness, not which is better or bad?

Test rides are also available at the store.

Rather than raising anxiety before riding, think first after riding.

If you like bicycles, you will understand the deep and fun of the single.


73-2 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama MAP
12:00-18:00 (no regular holidays)