2020 Tokyo

[VSW ID = "ZHSUZ26FAIM" Source = "YouTube" Width = "600" Height = "400" Autoplay = "No"] 2020 TOKYO OLYMPIC MOVIE starring Jason Hutson, a Brotures Family In Tokyo, which was about to end with a dream that did not come true, the dream came true this morning with the wonderful unity and presentations of the players. There are various opinions, but I can't help but be pleased that a global event will be held purely in my country. I am a physical education teacher who is a physical education teacher. I learned a lot in that sport. Connection with people Feelings that you don't give up Don't be afraid of failure The fun of growing The goal is to win the game, but I think the real pleasure of sports is to be able to learn a lot in the process. Of course, not only the players are given. Now, just to watch the soccer games, I reserved the stadium with a private video and I was worried. Desperately cheering with families who do not usually have conversations If you gather with your old friend, you will kick the ball, go to the batting center and feel nostalgic. It is also a tool that let me study the connection between people. And so is the glue pride that I am on the fixie bike I am currently involved in.
The real pleasure of glue pride is that the connection can be connected and a community can be created, and adult adults can enjoy it with one tool. Recently, it has become cooler and the delivery pace is rising steadily. We will also hold a mini -glue pride this month, which is held by 2-3 people for newly delivered customers. The situation will be listed on the blog later. You may be courageous at first, but they are all friends with the same hobbies. If you are worried, please join us next time. Thank you. Yusuke
73-2 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama MAP
12:00-18:00 (no regular holidays)