Leader Bike 725TR SEA FOAM GREEN

Leader Bike 725TR SEA FOAM GREEN COMPLETE ¥ 147,000 The last one of the rare color "SEA FOAM GREEN" of Leader Bike 725TR has been assembled! This color will be emptied by many people, young and old, where the bright GREEN is eye -catching. There is no doubt that it will flourish the marine -taste cityscape in Yokohama! ! First of all, the photo of the TOP is a normal state. I just want to customize it to get on the fixie! ! Many people think so. Introducing some of the images to such people. FirstBLB05CARBONWHEELCustom when installed on the rear.
Five rare carbon baton wheels. Recommended for those who want to have a more unique impact than the generally known three wheels. And next and rear H Plus Son introduced earlierArchType×Brotures Street Limited HubOne that was installed.
LD-725TR SEA FOAM GREEN × H Plus Son ArchType × BROTURES STREET LIMITED HUB ¥ 209,490 The overwhelming rotation performance and rigidity, and the wheels of professional mechanics, you will surely be satisfied with the perfection that cannot be tasted with the perfect group wheel.
And the last thing to introduce is the road that everyone passes once. One custom with Aerospoke.
LD-725TR SEA FOAM GREEN × AEROSPOKE REAR ¥ 196,650 It is attractive that this AEROSPOKE is relatively cheaper than other carbon wheels. In addition, it is possible to change the appearance of your car in a abundant color.
It is a recommended wheel for those who want a street specification. A piste bike that can be a different unit just by customizing the wheel for this. This month is the arrival rush! ! It has gained popularity as a highlightShred88andShred50。 Both wheels have already received a lot of reservations, but reservations are still in time. A perfect wheel for greedy people who want to buy not only appearance but also driving! ! Of course, I put SHRED88 back and forth! Anyway light! ! ! ! If you want to get on the body with the front and rear SHRED, please come to test drive. We look forward to your visit today. Yusuke
73-2 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama MAP
12:00-18:00 (no regular holidays)