Leader Bike 725TR BR-Limited Polish & FYX...

It is information on the immediate delivery from BROTURES YOKOHAMA! ! This time, we produced a finished car of Leader Bike and a rare color for FYXATION EastSide. I want to ride a bicycle by commuting from next week, I want to ride with my friends this weekend! ! We promise to deliver the same day in order to respond to such requests. First of all, the custom completed car of Leader Bike 725TR introduced at the beginning Normally, a Leader drop handle is included, but this time it is specially sold with a special handle on a bullhorn! !
Leader Bike 725TR Brotures Original Polish ¥ 147,000 And we will prepare a rare color of FYXATION, Silver 53cm.
FYXATION EastSide Silver 53cm ¥ 73,500 * The tires will be white This model is impressive with bluish silver. It is one that can be enjoyed by unisex regardless of gender. Instant delivery cars that will appear one after another! ! "I want you to make this kind of body" "Can you pay this order immediately?" Such consultations are also accepted at any time. Please contact us if you like. yokohama@brotures.com Yusuke
73-2 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama MAP
12:00-18:00 (no regular holidays)