
Is it the first time in a year and a half to write a blog? Nice to meet you, I think there are more. It is Toshi, a back character that everyone knows. In the summer, OSAKA store manager 763, YOKOHAMA mechanic NORI went to the United States for overseas training. If you are looking at the blog, I think it is new in memory. After the two returned, I was actually going to the United States. I'm still a pepper, but overseas training is not a big deal, I have touched American culture and air. Are 3.5 out of four people foreigners foreigners? I am asked, but I have no English conversation ability because of the Japanese temperament. This is my first time crossing the sea. While I was over there, I slept nearly half of the jet lag and couldn't spend the dense content. I will not introduce them later, but what I felt, considering, etc. I will borrow this place with the meaning of organizing myself. I would be grateful if this could be affected by 1mm to those who read it. Departing Japan and heading is LA. The unexpected country was easy, but entry was the biggest difficulty in this trip. I couldn't speak English, I was alone, I didn't connect my mobile phone, and I was going to regret going to the United States because of the first time. I managed to go to the exit, as it was guided by foreigners. A place that is completely different from the meeting place with Imajo who is coming to pick me up. It's a secret that I was honestly crying. Barely grab Wi-Fi and join with Mr. Imajo safely. At this time he really looked god.
In LA, basically you will be guided about shopping and sightseeing spots, I enjoyed the No. 1 city I would like to live in, Santa Monica.
Whether you are running on the beach or running in the city, you will see a bicycle parking lot everywhere.
Rental bikes are also indispensable.
After a few days at LA, go to the person's parents' home to head to San Francisco.
Yes, you knowMICHEL CHACON! Leader Bike USA's trick rider is not limited to bicycles but also vehicles. Load your bicycle into your car and ROAD TRIP!
In the car, I continued to sleep due to jet lag. I sincerely apologize to the two who drove. As expected, FIXED is the home of San Francisco. There are only bicycle commuters and users. Even if you look around various motorcycle shops, the rock is sturdy Kryptonite and a helmet.
It is the only one who protects yourself and bicycle. There is also a difference in consciousness with Japan in this area. Mash Store usually has Mash's CHAZ and Garrett.
In addition, they cocated with CHACON, and the cars in the hotel parking lot were destroyed in the middle of the night, If you spell out your memories, there is no drill, so it will be broken here. I felt that it wasn't really the same as the image I had before going to the United States. The fundamental way of thinking was the exact opposite of Japan. The security is much better in Japan. On hygiene. Even so, they have their own style and way of life. That is not to say that others can speak. This is a matter of course wherever you are, In Japan, "But that's not the case" "Everyone is doing this" "It's embarrassing to be different from people" ... I think there are quite a few such trends. I myself am currently attending college, and I feel this stronger. What is normal? I think about it after returning to Japan. The answer is not yet given. There are too many things I don't know yet. This time, I just got a glimpse of only a small part of the vast United States. It is very important to express something or express your will. But it is different to push. What do you know? I think or think today.
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