If I quit commuting by train and ride a f...

This is GORI from BROTURES Harajuku!

This may be out of the blue, but isn't it pretty hard to find a hobby?
When people ask me about my hobbies, surfing is about the only thing I can say...lol. If I tried to take up snowboarding or surfing as a hobby, I think I wouldn't be able to keep it up because of the hassle of having to travel to the places where I can do my hobbies and it would cost money.
Of course, if your hobby is something you really love, then that doesn't really matter!

I was thinking about what kind of hobby I could easily incorporate into my life and continue without any difficulty, and then it occurred to me that my fixed gear bike, which I had only seen as a way to commute, could have become a hobby . I've been riding it to work for four years now, and I've been doing it without getting bored or even thinking about it.
Personally, commuting to work on a sunny day on my fixed gear bike has become as normal as getting up and washing my face.

I think it takes a lot of courage and energy to spend money just on a hobby, but if the fixed gear bike you got for commuting can also be a hobby, I think it's worth spending money on! Or rather, I want you to think so! lol In addition, if you can switch from commuting by train to commuting by fixed gear bike, you may be able to save money by saving up the money you would have spent on a semi-permanent commuter pass.

So, how do I actually enjoy riding a fixed gear bike for commuting and as a hobby?

~~~Part 1~~~

It's packed with a wide variety of customization elements!

The main purpose of a fixed gear bike is to ride. It is a bicycle, so there is no doubt that the main purpose is to ride it and get around.
If that was the only reason, I probably would never have taken up fixed gear biking.
So why did I choose a fixed gear bike? It's because of the versatility of customization . Isn't it interesting that you can customize your fixed gear bike in any way you like? You can choose the look to your liking, and you can even set it up to ride in a way that takes into account the roads you use for commuting or private use!
for example,,,,

If you often ride on roads with many hills, you can try a bullhorn set, which is shaped like a cow's horn.

If you want to relax and ride around town in a casual manner, you might want to try installing the promenade handlebars!

Personally, I set it up with custom sinking that focuses 90% on appearance and 10% on ride feel.

By the way, my current car looks like this.
The base body is a LEADER 735, but I painted it a blue that doesn't exist in the original color scheme, and I also asked a pinstriper to add the LEADER decals at an event I went to recently, so I've created a finish that is completely my own.

The front wheel is a custom H3 from HED., a long-established American wheel brand that creates wheels in collaboration with BROTURES.

This is my current beloved car, which embodies my feelings for America, which I have admired since high school!
If you're a man, you'd want to be able to dash through the city on a bike that you think is cool.
Of course, we all want to ride vehicles other than bicycles that we think are cool!

~Part 2~

Don't forget it's a fixed gear!

This is actually the main reason, but if you want to make it a hobby, I definitely recommend fixed gear!

Among the many types of bicycles, fixed gear bikes are the only ones that can be enjoyed with a fixed gear. If you want to enjoy fixed gear bikes to the fullest, you can't think of anything other than a fixed gear! Haha (Of course, you can also enjoy it with a free gear, so don't worry!)
When I first rode a fixed gear bike, in which the rotation of the tire and the cranks that are used to pedal are linked, my first impression was, "Is this really a bicycle?"
To be honest, the moment I pedaled for the first time, I was worried about whether I could ride it, and on the day I received the bike, I remember pedaling as hard as I could to get used to the fixed gear. After some practice, I started to handle the fixed gear bike the way I wanted to, and the joy I felt when I was able to skid for the first time was similar to the joy I felt when I took off for the first time on a surfboard.
The fact that it was a fixed gear bike made simply riding a bike seem difficult, and that was a big reason why I was able to turn commuting into a hobby.
Skateboarding, surfing, and snowboarding require you to choose a specific place to practice, but with fixed-gear bikes, the same old routes we take every day become our practice spots, so we can enjoy it anytime, anywhere!
That's why I was able to continue without forcing myself, and maybe that's why it became my hobby!

Today marks the end of May, and from tomorrow the unpleasant rainy season for cyclists approaches.
When the rainy season comes, the number of days when you can't ride your bike to work will increase due to the continuous rain, but before that happens, get a fixed gear bike and ride it as much as you can before the rainy season begins! lol Say goodbye to sitting on the side-by-side seats on the commuter train where you get jostled by the crowds, and from now on sit on the saddle of your own beloved bike. lol Well then, I hope that your commute will turn into a hobby, and that's all for today.
I'm going to take my dog ​​for a walk before it rains too! Lol. See you then.
