The Attension to 725TR Vol.3

By the way, the third 725TR dissection blog that has been done since the other day is "Welding Techniques" I don't know what this word alone is, but I think some people have already understood it with thumbnails. This process is also applied to road bikes regardless of the genre of fixie bikes. The bicycle frame is joined and assembled with pipes, but it is inevitably born as it is joined. This welded mark is called a wavy welding, and the leader bike lineup is a frame where CURE and CRETIN are currently remaining. This welding marks are smooth and smooth for 725, 735, and Kagero and Renovatio. Regarding this processing, it is manually polished after applying a method of positioning once, temporary welding from the back, then welding the inside, and welding the outside, and a double path welding with little change due to high strength and heat. 。 That's why the tremendous cost is being dropped here. Not only beauty but also strength and lightness are improved. Generally, it is a process for high -grade frames. Isn't there a street brand that has been processing so well? Leave 4 left 725 dissection blog look forward to fun!
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