Today is a European Spanish brand "Dosnoventa"It is a custom bike that solidifies with European parts brands and has individuality. DOSNOVENTA HOUSTON CUSTOM BIKE ¥ 526,515- PARTSSPEC [Frame] DOSNOVENTA HOUSTON Frame Set ¥ 230,000- (+Tax) [Handle] DEDA CRONO NERO LOW RIDER ¥ 7,500- (+Tax) [STEM] Fizi: k cyrano R1 ¥ 11,920- (+tax) [SADDLE] Fizi: K Antares R5 ¥ 17,530- (+Tax) [CRANK] BROTURES RIP ¥ 24,000- (+Tax) [RIM] BLB notorious 50 ¥ 40,000- (+tax) [Hub] GREDDY ¥ 18,000- (+tax) [WHEEL] BLB Notorious R ¥ 100,000- (+Tax) The cranks and cranks of this custom parts are Japanese brands, all of which are hardened by European brands. Handle, saddle, stem "DEDA"and"Fizi: k"Is a rim in Italy, wheel"BLB"Is" British ", and Dosnoventa is a custom bike with a sense of unity with Spain. When making custom bikes, I think there are many custom requests, such as wanting to assemble with NJS parts, unify with American parts, want to prepare with the same brand, and want to use good accuracy parts. When you make a custom bike, you will first make it from an estimate. Therefore, it is possible to assemble a fixie bike at the body and price that meets the customer's request. Please feel free to contact us. Simulation
Please feel free to use. Then we are waiting for you at BROTURES OSAKA !!! U-KI.
1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi Ward, Osaka City MAP
12:00-19:00 (no regular holidays)