721TR / CURE immediate delivery car is av...

Hello. Somehow, there are many witches in the city of Kichijoji. After all, it was Halloween. This weekend, witch, pumpkin and zombies will be in the city. smile It seems that the Kichijoji store is also piggybacked on a happy Halloween, and tomorrow a beautiful woman dressed up on the coffee stand will appear. Please come to play. By the way, the entry model of Leader Bikes is according to this weekend. We have 721TR and CURE immediate delivery. Leader bikes that you can't see easily with immediate delivery. Normally, it will be about a week before delivery, but it will be delivered immediately due to the hard work of the mechanic! ! However, please note that only 721TR/CURE at the Kichijoji store will be. LEADER BIKES 721TR COMPLETE BIKE ¥ 100,000 (excluding tax) Leader Bikes Cure COMPLETE BIKE ¥ 100,000 (excluding tax) Payment is not only cash and credit card, but also by BROTURES. Since you can apply at the store, please bring a public identification card such as a license or passport with the current address. By the way, 721TR/CURE loanshemilation looks like this ...
%E3%82%B9%B9%B9%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AA%83%E3%E3%E3%E3%83%E3%82%E3%E3%83%83%83%83%E3%83%83%83%83%E3 %83%88-2016-10-28-18-05-05
Then, this weekend at Kichijoji store! ! We'll be expecting you! ! CAMY BROTURES KICHIJOJI 1-1-2 Kichijoji Kita-cho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-0001 0422-27-6155 kichijoji@brotures.com 12: 00 ~ 20: 00 (no regular holidays)
1-1-2 Kichijoji Kitamachi, Musashino City, Tokyo MAP
Weekdays/12:00~18:00 (no regular holidays) Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays/10:00~18:00