Custom a bright red wheel on 725TR !!

Hello! ! I introduced "735TR" by "Yosuke Kubotsuka" earlier in the blog, This time, we introduce custom bikes of "Leader Bikes 725TR"! ! ! In this custom, I added a little color to the Matt BLACK body with a little color! ! ・ Leader Bikes 725TR COMPLETE BIKE ¥ 150,000 (+tax) Handle DEDA PISTA ¥ 8,600 (+tax) Saddle Fabric Scoop ¥ 8,500 (+Tax) F/Wheel BROTURES T4 ¥ 95,000 (+Tax) LEADER BIKES 725TR COMPLETE BIKE ¥ 261,000 (+tax) Even with a black body, just adding a "red" wheel like this custom will change the atmosphere! ! In addition to "red" wheels, "H SON PLUS" has other colors. If you want to add custom or color different from people, why not consider it? ? If you simulate this custom bike with a loan (installment payment), ...
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It is possible to pay with a small burden like this! ! ! If you are considering purchasing a fixie bike, you can get it this year because there is still the stock of the car body! ! ! Why don't you get used to this year and run somewhere next year? ? Then we are waiting for you at BROTURES OSAKA! ! For reservations and inquiries, I would like to send an email using the template below or call us! → Click here to make a reservation ← ■ Wanted car type brand: model: Color: size: ■ Hope custom ■ Delivery method (store / shipping) ■ Name ■ Address ■ Contact information → Click here for inquiries ← 06-4391-3313
1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi Ward, Osaka City MAP
12:00-19:00 (no regular holidays)