to your partner.

A long time ago, there were three requirements for a man to be chosen by a woman as a marriage partner: ``tall height,'' ``highly educated,'' and ``high income.'' Recently, various conditions have been mentioned, such as 4-bottom, 3C?, etc.

I may be biased, but in the end it's not the visuals and specs that are the deciding factor. When you are lined up, you probably don't go out of your way to choose the one with lower specs or the one with poorer specs.

Look at the bicycle from the stance of choosing the opposite sex. Not only the visuals but also the profile is packed. LEADER735 should never stop getting likes on matching apps.

LEADER®︎ 735TR Complete Bike

It's been interesting since we started dating. It's okay to have high hopes; it has the potential to live up to your expectations.

The street version full of cuteness should be the ideal model for the future.

LEADER®︎ 735TR Complete Bike

Of course I like different types. Try changing him to be a refreshing guy, an agile guy, or whatever "boyfriend" you like.

LEADER®︎ 735TR "Fresh"

LEADER®︎ 735TR "Track"

Good looks and high specs, the 735 should have what you're looking for.

The XS size also arrived the other day, so we currently have all colors and sizes in stock.

Take action early to avoid being taken over by your rivals.

Become a girl and 735 is waiting for you to meet us.


73-2 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama MAP
12:00-18:00 (no regular holidays)