Everyone loves "Polish" color body!

Hello! In today's blog, I would like to introduce the body of "Polish", which has been less to see recently! ! In the past, Leader Bikes had a "Polish" body sold in the past, It wasn't in the current model lineup ... However, it is limited to "CURE" located in the entry model! I was introduced to my blog last time, but it came out so much! ! If you miss this chance, you will not know when Polish will be released next time. If you are considering a piste bike, why not get this color? Then it is the introduction of the body! ! Leader BIKES CURE "POLISH" ¥ 100,000 (+tax)
This condition is the state of the completed car! ! And here are custom parts! Handle Nitto for Shred ¥ 7,900 (+Tax)
F/Wheel Encore Wheel Raw ¥ 50,000 (+Tax)
・ Leader Bikes Cure Custom Bike ¥ 157,900 (+Tax)
I tried to assemble like this! ! "Black" and "White" are also cool, but "Polish" is also cool with a different atmosphere! !
As I mentioned at the beginning, there is almost no stock, so please come and contact us as soon as possible! Finally, if you simulate this custom bike 12 times, ...
Please feel free to use it because you can pay with a low burden like this! Ayumu. BROTURES OSAKA 1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka 06-4391-3313 osaka@brotures.com
1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi Ward, Osaka City MAP
12:00-19:00 (no regular holidays)