Speaking of affordable baton wheels

Hello! Today's blog introduces "Baton Wheel"! Baton wheels are one of the wheels you want to attach at least once if you are on a piste bike! However, the price is high when it comes to baton wheels! I think there is an image The wheels introduced this time are relatively affordable baton wheels! In addition, there are plenty of "color variations", so you can use it as a color! The weight is light! It is not a reason, but it is strong and easy to use! If you are considering the car body or are thinking about custom, please refer to it! ! ・ ENCORE WHEEL RAW ¥ 50,000 (+tax) COLOR ¥ 60,000 (+tax)
With this Encore WHEEL, you can set the baton wheels in a reasonable and affordable way! ! It is quite useful if you use overseas riders! !
Even if you try "Trick" like this video, it won't collapse at all! !
It is good to try riding with a street specification like this, Since it is a baton wheel, there is a reduction in air resistance, so you can try riding on a running specification! ! For reference, I will also put a car body with "Encore WHEEL"!
Each color is only one stock, so please aim for those who are aiming as soon as possible! ! Finally, it is not a baton wheel, but the original "BROTURES" Carbon Deep Wheel SHRED 88 "will be in stock soon, so if you want to obtain it, you need to make a reservation!
Ayumu the daddy. BROTURES OSAKA 1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka 06-4391-3313 osaka@brotures.com
1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi Ward, Osaka City MAP
12:00-19:00 (no regular holidays)