Long time no see.

My name is YUMA and I work as a mechanic at the Harajuku store.

This is the final installment of the STAFF “BAG CHECK” series, and I would like to introduce the bag I use for commuting and what’s inside it.

So let's get started right away!

Actually, I've been struggling with something recently...

When the weather gets warmer and it's time to enjoy riding on the pistes , I end up sweating like crazy when I carry my backpack on.

Maybe some of you reading this blog are having the same problem.

Moreover, sweat will soak into the bag and the smell will be terrible. I think there are many people who think so...

"I don't want to worry about that when I'm riding a fixed gear bike!" "I want to pedal more easily and smoothly."

I found a bag that truly captured the feelings I had!

That's the FAIRWEATHER frame bag !

I really like it.

I'm riding an AFFINITY LOPRO 2021 , and with the 2021 model, the LOPRO's tire clearance is now compatible with 35c (though the wheel precision may be a bit strict with 35c block tires), and the column standard has changed from 1-inch size to OS size , making it a more outdoor-oriented frame.

This FAIRWEATHER frame bag is perfect for that outdoor atmosphere.

The FAIRWEATHER frame bag has two major features.

First of all, it is waterproof . This is quite excellent and the items hidden inside will not get wet at all...

I was once caught in a heavy rain shower on my way home from work.

I remember thinking, "Oh no, the cigarettes in my bag will get wet," and rushing home in a panic.

After rushing home for about 30 minutes, I checked the cigarettes in my bag and they were not wet at all!

I was shocked that tobacco, which is quite sensitive to water, was spared.

The second feature is the convenience of the pockets .

There are two slim pockets and one large capacity pocket.

I put my cell phone, wallet and cigarettes in the former, but for some reason it fits my iPhone perfectly, so there's no risk of the iPhone screen getting scratched because it fits snugly in the bag.

The latter large capacity pocket holds a T-shirt for work and a small accessory pouch.

Especially in the summer, just riding a bicycle can make you drenched in sweat, so it's essential to have an extra T-shirt to wear at work.

Another item that I personally love is this homemade THOMSON accessory pouch !

This was originally packaging material for a THOMSON seat post, and is basically trash that gets thrown away because there is no use for it. I brought this packaging material home and tried sewing it into a nice accessory pouch.

(If you are ordering THOMSON parts and would like this packaging material, please let our staff know.)

Incidentally, these small items contain Old Spice sweat wipes that have a crew scent, and lip balm.

My junior mechanic staff member TATSU has been saying " Can you get serious? " lately, and I've been pedaling seriously, trying to keep up with his enthusiasm. This bag is what supports my daily riding.

I'm glad I found the FAIRWEATHER frame bag, which has a delicate look but can hold so many items to my heart's content!

I don't like to carry too many unnecessary things, so this is what's in my bag.

This turned out to be more of an introduction to my favorite bag than an introduction to the contents of my bag, but I highly recommend it, so if you'd like, please consider buying a new one just in time for the upcoming summer.

Well then.

4-26-31 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo MAP
Weekdays/11:00~18:00 (No fixed holidays) Weekends/Holidays/10:00~18:00