"This quality with an entry model !!"

Hello! ! ! It was a rain forecast today, but it stopped wonderfully! ! Glue pride can also be held! ! ! This is probably because it is good on a daily basis! ! ! ! ! Then, today's blog is a high quality guy for an entry bike. I would like to introduce it! ・ Leader Bikes Cure ¥ 100,000 (+tax) The curved top tube suppresses air resistance, It also uses Leader Bikes's high -end model Kagero geometry, so It is a ride without complaints! ! Of course, the fork is an aluminum carbon fork! ! ! At first, it has a riser bar, so even women can ride with confidence! ! ・ Leader Bikes Cure Sax Blue ¥ 100,000 (+Tax) CURE's "Sax BLUE", which has been missing for a long time, will be re -loaded soon! ! ! ! Many people have been waiting for this color, right? ? We also accept reservations, so please come to the store anytime! ! ! And CURE, this model does not sell frames! ! ! This model is sold by completed car! ! So, those who like the CURE frame are customized from the finished car! ! ! I would like to introduce some CURE custom cars! ! ! This frame is a custom -based frame! ! ! This time, you may want to finish it with the color of "SAX BLUE" that restock! ! ! CURE changes the atmosphere at all just by changing the handle, so please refer to it! ! Then, today is a glue pride, so

BROTURES OSAKA gathering from 20:30 to 21:00! ! !

Please! ! ! Ayumu.
1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi Ward, Osaka City MAP
12:00-19:00 (no regular holidays)