Easy to move and fashionable. [You can ha...

The temperature during the day does not fall below 20 degrees, and the average maximum temperature is 26 degrees in Harajuku.
Summer is approaching in earnest.

Bicycles are easy and there is no stress, just the heat.

The bicycle that is very active in such a summer is "e-bike".

The heat, such as the sun, is that the fatigue when rowing is quite different compared to ordinary bicycles.
Especially if there are many slopes.

I think that you can experience the comfort of pedal assist unless you actually ride it, but it is handled by Brotures."Mate.bike" "Super73"Regarding, I feel that the performance is good even in the E-Bike neighborhood.

There are a lot of remarks from customers who came to test drive
"The power is completely different from the electricity I'm riding."
"I also tested the others, but this is the strongest assist."

That's right.

If you compare it, the general electricity is "the feeling of being pushed a little back".
On the other hand, the above 2 brands"Feeling like being pulled by a motorcycle"

I think it's a little easier to imagine when you hear this.
* It is an impression that I felt, but it looks like this without a metaphor. smile

Today, we have prepared two popular colors of such recommended vehicles as "immediate delivery" today!

Mate X Black

Purchase by phone

Purchase by email

Super73 SG-1 Black

Purchase by phone

Purchase by email

Both are impressive with thick fat tires, and they will definitely be active not only in the city but also in various situations.

Mate is standard and has a front and rear suspension, so you can drive off -road without any problems with uneven roads and small steps.

There is no suspension for SUPER73, but it can be customized as an option.
The riding taste is completely different between having this and not, so if you want to move the main movement here, it is recommended to customize it!

I wrote the detailed specifications on the previous blog, so I wrote it online (there is a link at the bottom of the page), so this time I omit it.
If you are interested, please take a look.

As described, each one is available in popular black, so if you are considering it, please be as soon as possible.

Of course, it is first come, first served.

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Ogomori Kota

4-26-31 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo MAP
Weekdays/11:00~18:00 (No fixed holidays) Weekends/Holidays/10:00~18:00