LD 735TR "Black & Gold" Customer Bike.

LD 735TR "Black & Gold" Customer Bike. Today, the customer's piste bike is custom with the ideas, designs, and coloring that is only for those who are particular about the details, making it an original bicycle of only one world. BROTURES allows you as much as you can do any consultation and requests. In the case of this customer, this cool look was based on the request to make the prominent subjects black and the fine parts were Gold. Of course, the specifications of the parts are not reduced, and it is a two -sword style original piste bike without compromise. Recently, despite being riding a high -end bicycle, I often saw people who were riding in Complete Bike and similar customs. Just making an original bike with these coloring will make a cool bicycle live even more cool, and you can call out just by riding. And above all, I want many people to spread a fixie bike as a sending side. With such a feeling, the staff is assembled and conducts custom proposals !!!! By the way, the rider supported by BROTURES is all over the original feeling as the sender. A little request is fine. Let's make an original motorcycle and go to the city !!! * Yosuke Kubotsuka/MACHA-CHIN/Yamamoto KID/AKLO/Sara Marie/Ryujin/Ayumu Also now, LEADER BIKES 735TR is a very affordable period !!!! LEADER BIKES 735TR Frame Set (Aluminum Carbon Fork) ¥ 85,000 (+tax) ⇨ ¥ 68,000 (+tax) LEADER BIKES 735TR+I806TR FULL CARL CARBON FORK SET ¥ 99,000 (+tax) ¥ 79,000 (+tax) Not only that, but also the bicycle loan "Zero interest rate" is also performed at BROTURES. For more information, please come to the store to listen carefully. Let's get Leader Bikes during the great period !!! I'm waiting at BROTURES OSAKA !!! U-KI.
1-19-22 Minamihorie, Nishi Ward, Osaka City MAP
12:00-19:00 (no regular holidays)