Brotures Recruit

We have a high awareness of "making a piste bike into a Japanese culture", "sports bike penetrating a sports bike", and seeking a person who can do our best to work in front of himself for self -growth and company growth. This time, we are looking for stores and EC sales staff and mechanic staff. Part -time job is also possible. If you like bicycles, you like fixes, you like to interact with people, you like selling, and those who are welcome. It's difficult to do what you like, but I think Brotures can do that. Basically, experience does not matter. The world you can see will change if you have a motivation and a little courage! For details, please check the URL below, apply or contact

Brotures Recruit

73-2 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama MAP
12:00-18:00 (no regular holidays)