The definitive edition of the neighbors

The other day, the tsukemen of Menya Musashi and Tora -dong in Kichijoji
I tried "400g before boiling". I died.

Please try it.
Hi, I love ramen.

By the way, today, everyday
A little distance from the custom of "lightness and running emphasis"

Introducing custom bikes for light cycling to pottering.

LEVEL NJS Custom Bike ¥ 242,600 (Intax)

What challenged to shoot under the scorching sun
A custom bike using an NJS frame by a frame builder "Level" in Arakawa -ku, Tokyo.

Of course, it is a competition level frame, so
If you put it on with a gear specific weight, it will be insanely fast.

But in this custom

[USED] JONES LOOP H-BAR ¥ 14,300 (Intax)

The handle looks like this.

To be honest, I think there are many people
Jones Biks is a handlebar handed by an American brand.

At first glance it is a promenade shape
This is a substitute called "multi -position bar".

If you hold the bar end that comes back in front,
For a comfortable position with the upright upright.

Also, as the name implies, there are many "trouble" in the grip.
According to the degree of fatigue and road surface, such as near the stem or the top part
It is an excellent one that can select various grip positions each time.

DIA-COMPE DC189 RIVERS LEVER ¥ 6,600 (Intax)

At the same time, the brakes are a little strange.
"Reverse lever" of the diaphragm you know.

During driving, "natural" operation is possible without being aware of the lever position.

This is really good ◎


Zefal Deflector RC50 ¥ 1,320 (Intax)

It is slower than expected, but is definitely preparing for the rainy season.
Now you can go home without dirty your clothes even in sudden rain.

I always think, why is fender so cheap?

Above, the finest frame by bicycle racing players purveyor frame builders
A very luxurious custom in a sense that you can easily straddle in a city ride and walk.

"It's no longer a speed junky as in the past, but I can't be satisfied with the bicycle in that area."
It is one that I want such a small adult to get on a rough.

If you are interested, please contact us.


1-1-2 Kichijoji Kitamachi, Musashino City, Tokyo MAP
Weekdays/12:00~18:00 (no regular holidays) Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays/10:00~18:00