Customer's Bike Check!

Today we are introducing your body today for checking the customer bike. This car body is the first customer who has been contracted the other day, the first LEADER. If you start riding anyway, you want to get closer to your ideal state! That's why I did a little custom. This is the custom place. Handle: DEDA DABAR Bar Tape: Fizik Endure Softtouch Front wheel: Brotures SHRED 88 Crank: Brotures Rip Crank Tire: Michelin Dynamic White The front has a choice of SHRED 88 to make an impact. Install Michelin Dynamic, a white color and white side for the front and rear tires. For the handle, the highest class DEDA DABAR among the bullhorn. Although it is a carbon handle, the comfort is outstanding. And the bar tape is rolled from FIZIK with a 2.5mm high type of cushion, Endure, to prevent non -slip. By customizing only one side of the handle and wheel, the image of the body changes drastically. Depending on the custom parts, etc., it may be more advantageous than customizing later, so please contact us when purchasing the body. → Click here for inquiries ← Adatch 045-413-7875 [Brotures YOKOHAMA Road Blog]
73-2 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama MAP
12:00-18:00 (no regular holidays)