I compared Mate X and City.

It's been less than a week since the Mate City was released, but we have received many orders and inquiries.
What are you worried about is how different between Mate X and City? Isn't that?
I know that CITY is a more compact design, but it's hard to imagine the ride comfort and each impression.

So today's blog is a detail that cannot be understood by the specifications of both models alone.

First of all, the riding comfort you care about is characteristic of CITY, which is more agile and has a small turn.
Mate X has a sense of stability, but it has a little curve, so it may be easier to ride CITY in a narrow road.
However, the suspension is stronger in Mate X, so the impact of overcoming the curb was great at CITY.
There is a thickness of the tires, but for better or worse, CITY gives the impression of a direct ride.

(To the front)Mate City Golden Olive
(Back)Mate X 250 Desert Storm

If you arrange it in the size of the size, CITY is smaller.
The height of the saddle that can be adjusted can be set at the lower CITY, so it is easy for women to ride?
Mate X was surprisingly large, and I felt a little difficult to straddle even if I was 166cm.
CITY is a size that can be used by Junki's wife in the first half of 150cm, so it corresponds to a wide range of users.

Tires that affect the size and ride comfort are both 20 inches, but the thickness is 4.0 inch → 1.95 inches and less than half.
I think you will feel the difference here in various scenes such as bicycle parking lots and folding, not only when driving.
It seems that if you choose the mainly used environment, it will not fail.

(left)Mate City
(right)Mate X 250

Even if you fold it, the difference in size is remarkable.
You can not miss the point of storing or putting on a car.
Don't buy bicycles that can't be stopped so that you can't keep a dog you can't take care of.

(right)Mate City
(left)Mate X 250

There was no big difference in the power of the assist.
There may be room for improvement because the handle is high for women to ride. And a basket.
We would like to look up a good custom in this area.

If you are considering Mate.bike, I would be glad if you could refer to it.
Please feel free to contact us by phone, email, or LINE for other consultations and questions.


73-2 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama MAP
12:00-18:00 (no regular holidays)