Looking back on a blog 2019

Ah, fast. I say every year, but it's really fast. Today, BROTURES's 2019 business is over. This year, the Bro was a year of a major change, with the relocation of Hakuraku, which has been living for 10 years. I would like to express my sincere thanks to our customers and stakeholders who have supported the support from various fields each time. Looking back, in 2019, Heisei ended, tax hike, great disaster, retirement of Ichiro, and transferring Riverpool in Minamino. If I thought that Kasuga was married, I immediately cheated, and I think it was a year when there was a witch in Wakabayashi who should not be able to see it. This year had a lot of changes both in BROTURES and the public, but today I'm going to summarize it on my blog. In 2019, I wrote a lot of blogs at all four BROTURES stores. Maybe more than 1000 cases? It is easy to introduce the articles that have been especially read from them in the ranking!
・ 5th place https://brotures.com/blogs/store-blog/93178 This is a Yokohama blog. It is a recent article, but I still feel the topical and popularity of AFFINITY. If you are interested, please contact us if you are worried.
・ 4th place https://brotures.com/148317 Next is also from Yokohama. Requests for transfer from cross bikes and road bikes that have increased recently. In the first place, if you can choose a bicycle that fits you first, you will not buy a new one, but the image of a sports bike = cross bike is still strong. This is a blog that you would like to read and change to a fixie by trade in your bicycle and switch to a fixi.
·3rd place https://brotures.com/128498 Finally the top three. It is a blog of Kichijoji. Introducing a saddle that is the first challenge of sports bikes and can be an eternal problem. It's difficult to find a saddle that suits you because there are individual differences in your ass. This blog may be solved.
・ Second place https://brotures.com/blogs/store-blog/107805 This is Yokohama again. I feel like the 4th place blog, but the content is a little further. I wrote not to which one is better, but to ride a bicycle. I think these blogs are unique to a fist specialty store like us, so did you read a lot? I'm happy.
・ No. 1 https://brotures.com/blogs/store-blog/87527 The first place is Yokohama! what! Not amazing! ? smile It was good to write hard ... Is this gear compatible blog repeatedly read as a memorandum? Even the same fixie has different gear ratio depending on the application and muscle strength. Even more, it's complicated because the terms of skid points come out. The shortest route to the optimal solution of the bicycle gear ratio (the weight of the pedal) is a must -read.
This year, I feel that I have a strong tendency to read blogs that compare the fixes, crosses and road bikes. Did the misunderstanding of a fixie = dangerous bicycle has diminished? I'm glad I worked hard ...! What kind of year will next year? I would like to do my best to create a more interesting blog and shop than this year, so thank you in 2020! Then have a good year! ! TOSHI BROTURES YOKOHAMA 73-2 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 045-877-0974 yokohama@brotures.com 12:00~20:00
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73-2 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama MAP
12:00-18:00 (no regular holidays)