Customizing bikes is our specialty, and we've put together a collection of the finest fixed gear bikes we've built at BROTURES so far!

In the old days, I would buy used keirin frames and then put together the parts myself to ride fixed gear bikes.
So no two bikes were the same and each one was unique and attractive.
Nowadays there are complete bikes available that are easy to buy, but the essence remains the same.
Everyone has a different lifestyle, aesthetic preferences, environment, and what they want from a fixed gear bike.
BROTURES has responded to countless customer requests.
If you're interested in fixed gear bikes or are having trouble customizing your bike, please use this motorcycle catalog.
Just looking at it is fun and it might make you itchy to ride a fixed gear bike.
If there is a particular pisto that you are interested in, please fill in the # number and contact us.

All Leader TYRANT BIKES Dosnoventa Local Bikes AFFINITY CINELLI Other Brand

BROTURES' Commitment

At BROTURES, all orders are painstakingly assembled and serviced by specialized professional mechanics.
Cheap shops that don't have physical stores often just ship what is shipped from the manufacturer.
We believe that this is just a car with the parts attached, and is not in a condition to be driven.

Whenever BROTURES receives an order, whether it is for in-store or mail order purchase, we always disassemble, prep, clean, grease, tighten to the correct torque, and adjust the item.
This is because we believe that our work does not end when the product reaches the customer's hands, but rather that this is just the beginning.


All completed bicycles are disassembled before delivery to inspect the frame and parts.
Here we check the product thoroughly to make sure there are no defects.


For complete orders, we improve the precision of each part by tapping the frame threads and removing excess paint.
In addition, the inside of the frame, especially steel bikes, is treated with an anti-rust treatment.
No matter how good your bike is, if you neglect to prepare it properly, it may not perform to its full potential or may develop problems.


Burrs, unnecessary oil, and dirt that occur during cutting are thoroughly removed.

Grease up

To prevent bolts and parts from seizing or rusting, we use special chemicals to grease all threads.
If necessary, use a locking agent such as Loctite.

Tightening and adjustment with the correct torque

Any part can malfunction if it is too tight or too loose.
We use special tools to tighten the parts to the correct torque value and adjust each part.


At BROTURES, we take great care when building custom wheels (hand-built wheels).
Wheels are the highlight of a bicycle and one of the least commonly replaced parts.
We work carefully to minimize defects and ensure that the product can be used for a long period of time.